Since 1997

The Epsom Range

The Epsom is our best-selling range, and it is easy to see why. When looking for practical, high quality, robust stables at an affordable price, there’s none better.

02476 316 938


Family Run Business

Made in The UK

The Epsom Range: Your Practical and Affordable Choice

The Epsom is our best-selling range for a good reason. It offers high quality, and robustness at an affordable price, making it an excellent choice for horse owners seeking practical stable requirements.
The range comes in two standard sizes (12ft and 14ft), but we are always open to discussing your individual needs and working with you to create a customized solution that fits your space and preferences.

Made in The UK

Customisable and Versatile Stables

The Epsom features two high-quality infill optionsAfrican hardwood or recycled plastic – allowing you to choose the material that best suits your aesthetic and budget. Additionally, you can select from various door designs to create stables that are both practical and visually appealing.

Choose between a full one-piece hinged door with an integrated top anti-weave grill or a half hinged door. Our spring-loaded handle is a standard feature on all hinged doors, providing easy access to and from the stable.
For those looking to maximise space in an aisleway or who prefer sliding doors, we offer heavy-duty sliding doors with an integrated, gated, anti-weave grill.

Infill Materials

Indulge in the natural beauty of hardwood infill or the practical convenience of plastic infill.

Entry level Range

Hancox’s entry level equestrian internal stables, designed to provide exceptional value without sacrificing quality.

Hinged or Sliding Doors

Create a stable that perfectly suits your needs and preferences. One of the key customisation options available is the choice between hinged or sliding doors.

Customisable with Accessories

Explore a variety of accessories, including swivel mangers, rug rails, water drinkers, mats, hay racks, and more.


02476 316 938


Family Run Business

Hancox Equestrian

Experience the Epsom Difference

Discover why the Epsom is our best-selling range. Enjoy the perfect combination of practicality, quality, and affordability. Contact us today to learn more about the Epsom and customize your stable to meet your specific needs.


Weston Lawn Farm, Bedworth Rd, Bedworth, CV12 9JA


Some Examples

Explore our Gallery

For more photos of personalised Internal Stable: The Epsom Range, please contact our team or take a look on our Gallery Page

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